May 6, 2010

On making mistakes (Make, Part 2)

First of all, thanks to everyone who visited the blog today and emailed with encouragement and positive feedback; this is every blogger's dream! I hope that what you find here will continue to make you (insert desirable adjective here)...
You may have noticed that we use make with presentations. We also use it with mistakes. What I want to suggest is that making mistakes is potentially fantastic and people might consider doing it more often!
I'm not talking about hurting people on purpose or being stupid or lazy. All I want to suggest is that taking the risk of making a mistake is a good way to learn, and that when you make a mistake you have an opening to change something.
I've made some truly impressive mistakes, and not just momentary ones but repetitive ones that continued for a long time. Now these have more value for me than the non-mistakes I made! One anecdote about Microsoft is that in their recruiting process, they look for people who've made some real mistakes in business, because they take this as an indicator of willingness to take risks.
This is not a bad idea in learning English. When you're speaking, you can take some risks. You might make a mistake, but in taking that risk you'll be giving yourself the opportunity to learn more than you would have if you had played it safe. Most surprisingly, the more risks you take as a student, the fewer mistakes you tend to make... And as for those repetitive mistakes you make that we're working to correct, just keep practicing. One day you'll stop making them! And it will be hard to remember that you ever did.


  1. I like it! It's another point of view. It was my fault in my recently past and now I'm happy about making mistakes.

    Thanks again.

  2. Thank you for your comment! It's interesting how we don't blame children for making mistakes when they're trying to learn, but we become very critical of ourselves with regard to making mistakes in almost any situation...


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