Jun 27, 2012

Make hay while the sun shines

Hay is the stuff that you see in this image. Farmers use it with horses and other animals. As you can see, and have probably seen in person sometime, this is essentially a kind of dry grass. So, it makes sense that it would be difficult to process correctly in the rain, and therefore we have the expression "make hay while the sun shines" which means to take advantage of good conditions to do something that you need or want to do. I think it's a good practice to make hay while the sun shines, because you never know when things will change. It's easy to procrastinate (especially for me!), imagining that tomorrow or next week will be just as good as today for doing something. But sometimes tomorrow or next week isn't as good: you may not feel well, you may have other things that are more urgent, etc. The same is true for enjoying life. It's easy to postpone things that would bring you pleasure, with the idea that there's plenty of time. But if the sun is shining, why not make some hay?

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