Apr 4, 2011


My word of the day is cushy. This is an adjective that means not demanding, easy, comfortable. Last night I had a wonderful dinner with a wonderful friend. In addition to great conversation and lovely food and wine, it was also a pleasure to be with her cat.

It seems to me that a lot of cats, at least the ones who live with nice people, have cushy lives. They get to be very independent, and do more or less exactly what they want to in any moment. Now a little snack, now a little nap, now I want to play... This seems cushy to me! Cushy is regular, so you can say cushy, cushier, the cushiest. For example, "Bob's current job is much cushier than his last one."

P.S. This post is dedicated to Vera and Hunter, with affection and appreciation.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much! I also had a wonderful time with you...very cushy!:)
    Besos! V.


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