Aug 1, 2012


One-upmanship is behavior in which someone tries to get an advantage by doing, saying, or having better things than someone else (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

This a essentially a competitive behavior, and it also has a verb: one-up. An example of one-upmanship would be a conversation in which you tell a funny story, and the other person then tries to tell a funnier story. This person is trying to one-up you.

One-upmanship is not generally considered to be positive. It can be annoying to experience, especially in certain contexts. This behavior is often associated with people who always want to be the star. On the other hand, it can be fun if you're in the right mood, and if the other person is someone you enjoy competing with.

Probably one-upmanship is most unfortunate when it's related to competing in terms of wealth or possessions. If I feel I have to impress you with my watch, my car, or taking you to the most expensive restaurant in town, what does it say about me?

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