Jul 17, 2012

Summer English ideas

It's possible that summer isn't that much different for you than the rest of the year. But just in case you have a little more time, or want to vary your routine a little bit, here are some ideas:

1. Read a magazine about a subject you're interested in. Even if you're a beginner in English, I guarantee you'll learn some vocabulary this way. Whether you like cooking, running, or computers, you'll learn a lot of new words!

2. If you have the chance to travel to an English-speaking country, ask people to speak English with you! This message is addressed especially to Spanish speakers; your language is soooo popular now that people all over the world will try to welcome you with it.

3. Learn some songs in English. Get the lyrics off the internet to make sure you really know all the words.

4. Organize a movie night or an English pub night with some friends.

5. Play Trivial Pursuit or Scrabble in English (it helps to have a good dictionary with you).

6. If you usually put on the subtitles, try watching without them!

7. Read a children's or "young adult" book in English. This is fun and you can learn a lot!

Do you have any other ideas? I'd love to hear them!

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