May 17, 2012

Quit smoking

When you stop smoking, we usually say quit smoking, or give up smoking. After quit or give up, we use the verb in the -ing form.
There could be many things to give up or to quit, but smoking might be at the top of the list.
I'm writing this because I was just at the English Lunch that we have once a month here at InfoJobs, and we were talking about smoking, and giving it up.
Here in Spain, you can't smoke in restaurants or bars anymore, but a lot of people here still smoke. Maybe not as much as they used to, but they haven't quit yet. I can sympathize, because it seems very difficult to quit!
Nonetheless, It worries me about some of my colleagues. I really care about them, and I don't want them to have health problems later on that they could avoid by quitting. I hope that they'll decide to quit as soon as possible!

This cartoon is by Gary Larson, from The Far Side, and this post is dedicated to my mom, who finally quit smoking after over sixty years!

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