Jan 23, 2012

The more you practice, the more you learn

The concept of this expression is to repeat "the more" with different verbs, to show a direct relationship between them. You could also use "the less". Here are a few examples:
The more you speak English, the more you understand.
The less you work, the less you improve.
The more you save, the more you have for the future.

More or less are used when we want to compare. So you could use another comparative with the same structure, for example:
The longer I live here, the more I like the city.
The more I practice, the better I become.
The greater the investment, the greater the return.

You could also change the comparative to show an inverse relationship:
The more I learn, the less I feel I know!
The more you sleep, the less tired you'll be.
The longer I live, the fewer fears I have.

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