Jan 10, 2011


Why didn't anybody tell me about the great blog 1000 Awesome Things? Well, it's okay, because I discovered it today thanks to TED. You can discover it at http://1000awesomethings.com/. Awesome means really, really great, and this blog is a collection of things that are awesome. This is a very subjective collection, but I think most people can find one thing here that they agree is really great! The other awesome thing is the way the blog is written, in very informal, current American English. You can learn a LOT of English reading this blog, and that is AWESOME! Also, there's a nice video on TED of the author, Neil Pasricha. Hope you enjoy it!


  1. so fun the page of 1000awesomethings!!!!
    For me stay in bed when it's rainning outside, hearing the rain, AWESOME!!

  2. I absolutely agree about the blog and I love your comment about hearing the rain. I would say: comments from Sandra on this blog, AWESOME!


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